HOW CAN WE POSSIBLY STORE EVERYTHING WE NEED??? This is NOT the same as storing everything you want, or everything you are used to. The answer is to stop worrying about EVERYTHING and break this task down to manageable pieces. So….. food first! Okay…….and water!
We found three good charts to choose from. This one:

The one attached below is the document that was used in our church. The problem with these plans is that they don’t tell you what you can cook with this food. We think this is where most people are. We have beans, rice, and wheat, but then what?
All three of these “plans” will work for building up a supply of food. BUT, if you really want to develop a plan that is specific for you…. and don’t mind a little time and work….. here is probably the best idea: Find 19 menus that your family likes and that can be made from items on your shelf or in your freezer. Copy the ingredients and multiply by 19. Include some desserts. Plan on some breakfasts. Also plan on making bread once a week. There you go. Start small with 2-3 weeks of food. Then shoot for 2-3 months. Keep at it!!!
** So…. we found a website that has recipes Free frugal food storage help. Across the top of the page it has categories: wheat, oats, rice, corn, beans, milk, pasta, potatoes, etc. Then under each category are recipes you can make with that item. BUT, each recipe will ask for ingredients in addition to the “basic” things you probably have stored. For example, the recipe for black beans over rice calls for onion, tomato sauce, oregano, and even sausage. Our point being that you need more than just the recommended “basic” amounts.
***We went to this website and typed in my address. Cal MyHazards
We found out that an earthquake fault runs right through my city. When we scrolled down, we saw a banner labeled Earthquake Hazard and a green title: Recommended Actions for your Ground Shaking Intensity. Under this section are links to:
Securing your water heater; Securing your tall furniture; Securing your TVs and computers, Securing your kitchen cabinets, etc. Each link takes you to a page with detailed pictures and instructions. The link will also tell you if you are in a Liquefaction Zone, a Tsunami Hazard Area, or a Fire Hazard area. It’s kind of cool.
** Saw this note from a gardener in zone 8. Potatoes on Valentine’s Day. Green plant sets on St. Patrick’s day. Pumpkins on Easter to harvest on Halloween. Onions and garlic planted on Columbus Day to harvest on Independence Day. Nothing grows for him in August – too hot (me too). January and winter months – amend the
soil. Hmmmm….something to think about. I’m still trying to work this all out for MY zone. Each year is a giant guessing game for us. Here’s what we’ve got going on so far:
Maybe 5-6 five-gallon containers of broccoli
Another 4-5 pots of carrots.
Tomatoes, butternut squash, peppers, pumpkins, and cucumbers are upstairs in the laundry room under the lights. The potatoes are in paper bags in the closet growing roots, I hope!
Here in my zone, we ALWAYS get freezing nights in March, just when you think you are safe!!! So, I have to wait on those warm-weather plants for a few more weeks.
**We’re getting better at growing veggies, but we could use some help with herbs – medicinal herbs, cooking herbs, whatever. But, we found this: Herb Garden Guidebook • Gardenary It’s a free download.
THIS WEEK’S PURCHASE: Salt, pepper, and a few spices
You will MISS salt if you run out!!! It flavors everything! Beans, rice, pasta, potatoes – everything! Every recipe now is asking you to use fancy, schmancy salt. Right? Sea salt. Himalayan sea salt. Pink salt. We absolutely believe that these salts have more minerals and good stuff in them. But, they do NOT have iodine. Iodine is necessary for a healthy thyroid. “In fact, iodine deficiency is the most common preventable cause of mental retardation.” Is There Iodine in Your Salt? We did buy some sea salt WITH iodine added. it’s like 5 times the cost of regular salt, but it seems like the best of both worlds. Just make an informed decision when you decide to cut out the iodine.
MISC. PURCHASE: chicken bouillon and/or beef
We have 4 food storage recipes that call for beef bouillon: Beefy Rice, Wheat Chili, Farmhouse Soup, and Pasta Fagioli Soup. If we make each of these recipes 19 times, that will be a little over 100 Tablespoons of bouillon = 6.3 cups. However, we also use my beef bouillon when we can meat – specifically ground beef. We like those really large containers of Knorr Bouillon. They used to be about $4.50, but we think they are more like $6.50 now. They WILL last for a long time, however.
This recipe comes from the website: Little House Living
Cream of Anything Mix
We have NOT tried this. Us??? Mostly we just store the real deal soup. BUT, it’s full of preservatives and chemicals. BUT, it lasts for a really, really long time. LOL
Cream of Chicken Soup Mix
- 2 c. dry milk powder
- 2 1/2 c. all-purpose flour
- 1/4 c. chicken broth powder
- 2 TB dried onion flakes
Mix all the ingredients together in a large bowl. This recipe will fit in 3 pint sized mason jars or you can cut it in half to fit in a 1 quart jar.
On the website, she has a recipe for gluten free cream of soup mix, and a dairy-free version as well. Homemade Cream of Soup Mix
She also has variations so you can make Cream of Vegetable Soup, or Beef Broth. Then she has 77 recipes for a slow cooker that use her cream of soup mixes. What’s not to like? 77 Easy Recipes to Throw Together in the Slow Cooker
Tater Cakes (makes about 12)
- 1 c. potato flakes
- 2-3 tsp parsley flakes
- 2 TB butter or butter powder
- 1 tsp garlic salt
- 1 1/2 c. boiling water
- 1 1/2 tsp baking powder
- 1 c. unbleached flour
In a large bowl: mix the potato flakes, parsley, butter, and garlic salt until it absorbs. Add flour and baking powder and stir to make a soft dough. Let it cool to warm. Shape into small pancakes about 3 inches wide and less than 1/2 inch thick. Heat skillet or griddle to medium high and add oil/butter to help the browning process and to prevent sticking. Place tater cakes in hot skillet and cook until well browned on one side, then turn and cook other side the same.
Pudding Mix
- 3 c. non-instant nonfat dry milk powder
- 1 3/4 c. white sugar
- 1 c. cornstarch
- 1/2 tsp salt
Mix well and store in an airtight container for about 2 months. This makes 4 c. of dry mix. The mix does NOT need to be refrigerated.
To make a batch of pudding:
- place 1 c. of mix in a small saucepan
- Add 1 TB dry cream powder
- Add 2 c. boiling water slowly and stirring constantly as you add the water. Cook on the stove over medium heat for 3-5 min, stirring constantly, until the mixture is thickened nicely. This makes about 4 1/2 c. servings of pudding.
Vanilla Pudding: Take pan off heat and stir in 1 TB butter and 1 tsp vanilla extract
Chocolate Pudding – Add 2 TB cocoa powder to 1 c dry mix BEFORE cooking. After cooked, take pan off heat and stir in 1 TB butter and 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
Lemon Pudding: When pudding is cooked, take pan off heat and stir in 1 TB lemon juice and 1 tsp of lemon zest and 1 TB butter.
For Chocolate Pie Filling
- Use 1 1/2 c. of mix with 3 TB cocoa powder
- Add 3 c. boiling water and cook until thickened
- Take off heat
- Stir in 1 1/2 TB butter and 1 tsp vanilla

Marti Shelley