
Overlooked Survival Item You Need to Learn to Make

October 20, 2023
After a disaster, you can’t just run to the store or order activated charcoal online, so you must know how to make its cousin charcoal.…
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DIY Two-Bucket Emergency Water Filtration System

October 19, 2023
Water is your most critical resource after a disaster.  After you run through your own backup supply, then what?   Sure, you can buy a small…
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Marti's Corner - 128

October 18, 2023
Hi Everyone, Someone decided to make a list of all the natural disasters from Sept. 11 – Oct. 11, just to see IF natural disasters…
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How to Build a Bug Out Vehicle

October 14, 2023
In an emergency situation that forces you to either flee your home or leave a dangerous situation to get to a safer location, your vehicle…
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9 Survival Tips For A Winter Power Outage

October 11, 2023
Surviving a week or more without electricity and in freezing temperatures will be difficult if you’re not prepared, but it is possible with careful planning…
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An Early Warning For America . . .

October 9, 2023
China’s economy is plunging into an unprecedented and dire phase, sounding deafening alarms that the Chinese government hopes to muffle, but they are growing too…
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Marti's Corner - 126

October 8, 2023
Hi Everyone, NOTES: I finally cleaned out under both beds. I probably emptied 6 dozen jars of inedible food into the garbage.  Some of it…
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Marti's Corner - 127

October 2, 2023
Hi Everyone, The responsibility for providing help for you and your family during a disaster rests on you.  Preparedness is about peace of mind. (USU…
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