
How to dispose of human waste (poop and pee) after a disaster

May 13, 2017
After a major catastrophe hits an area, of the things that people often overlook is what to do with human excrement. It’s easy to get…
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How to develop situational awareness

April 26, 2017
With the recent wave of smaller, more localized terrorist attacks like the ones that have recently occurred in London and France, the need to develop…
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10 inexpensive shtf barter items to get now

February 16, 2017
In this article we’ll discuss 10 relatively cheap items you can begin stocking up on to be used for bartering should times get tough or…
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5 things you need to know about an EMP

January 13, 2017
The threat of an EMP event or Electromagnetic Pulse attack has been brought before Congress as a very real threat to the United States electrical…
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What is a prepper ... what is prepping?

January 6, 2017
In recent years there’s been a spike in this phenomenon that is called “prepping”. There’s even a T.V. show that ran for awhile named “Doomsday…
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5 Ways to Avoid Prepper Burnout

December 22, 2016
In prepping, there’s a lot to get done. At times, it can feel a bit overwhelming when you consider all the things that have yet…
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7 Prepper Lessons I learned from mountain climbing

December 16, 2016
One of my favorite activities, when I was younger, was Mountain Climbing. It was on these expeditions that I learned a lot of important lessons…
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How Safe Are Your Preps from the Unprepared?

December 9, 2016
A car drives down the freeway with a sticker on the back windshield with 3 stick figures of a woman and 2 children. A man…
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