
How to bug out when SHTF (and what to grab)

January 5, 2018
Disasters can happen at any time.  If an event forced you to evacuate your home with only a few minutes to get out the door,…
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How to store backup water in your garage in 55 gallon barrels

December 1, 2017
 In this article we’ll discuss the following: Where you can get 55 gallon drums We’ll discuss what you’ll need on hand to prepare to…
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How to get unlimited power after SHTF: Kodiak Solar Generator

November 27, 2017
 In this article, we’ll talk about the Kodiak Solar Generator.  If at anytime you want to pick one of these up, you can use…
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How to set up a prepper's toolbox

November 17, 2017
After a disaster strikes, having the right tools in your toolbox will be critical to handle the challenges you may face.  In this article, I’ll…
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How to prepare for a hurricane (before, during, after)

November 10, 2017
In this article, we’ll discuss how to prepare for a hurricane: Before it hits What to do during And what to do after Before The…
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How to survive a financial crisis

June 2, 2017
In prepping we often prepare for major catastrophes like regional storms or earthquakes. But are you really prepared to lose your job or survive a…
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How to cook after a disaster (cookware and utensils)

May 25, 2017
If the grid were to go down for an extended period of time and you’re having to cook for your family with the available fuel…
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How to get physically fit

May 19, 2017
If there were a major catastrophe that hit your area, would you be able to handle the ensuing stress and physical demands? What can you…
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