
How to Easily Make The Perfect Jelly

November 28, 2023
In this post, we will explore the process of crafting a Sweet Habanero Jelly. We’ll delve into the nuances of water bathing techniques for that…
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How to Survive The First 100 Days After SHTF

November 15, 2023
Within the first 6 seconds: “We knew the world would not be the same. A few people laughed, a few people cried. Most people were…
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How to Store Bacon so it Lasts For Years

November 15, 2023
How to Store Bacon so it Lasts For Years In this video, we will show how to can bacon and sausage. This method we’ll show…
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11 Places to Avoid After SHTF

November 15, 2023
Knowing where not to go can be just as critical as knowing where to go after a prolonged, grid down scenario.  When you and your…
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Marti's Corner - 132

November 14, 2023
Hi Everyone, NOTES: **  There is a lot of good information in this article Food Prepping Skills I Learned in the Military – Ask a…
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AMARANTH: A Secret Survival Superfood

October 29, 2023
The Superfood for Preppers In the world of prepping and survival, finding the hidden gems of nature that can sustain us in times of need…
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DIY Two-Bucket Wilderness Water Filtration System with Enhanced Microbial Removal

October 27, 2023
DIY Two-Bucket Wilderness Water Filtration System with Enhanced Microbial Removal Water is your most critical resource after a disaster.  After you run through your own…
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Marti's Corner - 129

October 26, 2023
The United States has only one firefighter for every 480 people and one police officer for every 385 people.  That means in an emergency, most…
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