
12 Places to Get Water in the City After SHTF

September 4, 2021
“Water is the driving force of all nature.” – Leonardo Da Vinci. In this blog, we’re going to cover places you can find water after…
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How to Create Bleach from Pool Shock to Treat Water after SHTF (Calcium Hypochlorite)

August 30, 2021
In this post, we will be making 600 parts per million bleach, similar to the concentration of store-bought bleach, out of Calcium Hypochlorite.  Once you…
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The Fall of Afghanistan - 5 Prepper Lessons To Be Learned

August 28, 2021
“Ancient Rome was as confident of its world and the continual expansion and improvement of the human lot as we are today.” – Arthur Erickson…
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How to Make Meat Powder - A DIY Recipe

August 25, 2021
If they ever had to turn to their food preps out of a pure emergency, many preppers would find it extremely tough to make it…
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Marti's Corner - 32

August 20, 2021
Hi Everyone, NOTES: *So I decided to save some seeds.  I have two tomato plants that I really like.  One is a cherry tomato, and…
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Marti's Corner - 31

August 17, 2021
Hi Everyone, NOTES: *  I found another great resource for helping families be prepared for emergencies.  It includes ideas for avoiding debt, How to Make…
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How to Pickle Food: A Beginner's Guide

August 17, 2021
In this blog, I’m going to give you the ultimate crash course in pickling.  It is likely you’ll never buy a store-bought lifeless can of…
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What a CATASTROPHIC Supply Chain Breakdown Will Look Like

August 16, 2021
“…there were also times when they had the illusion not only of safety but of permanence.” – George Orwell. When a society falls apart, it’s…
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