
Labor Shortage In The US: How This Will Soon Impact You

October 10, 2021
“I am all in favor of growing the American economy and engaging in trade with the world, but not at the expense of American workers.”…
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Why Are the Mega-Rich Buying All the Farmland?

October 1, 2021
” I lived on a farm until I was seven during the Great Depression, … It didn’t affect us, though, because our farm was self-sufficient.…
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How to Grow an Indoor Garden During Winter

September 29, 2021
How to Cultivate an Indoor Garden During the Winter “For everything, there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven: a time to…
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Marti's Corner - 37

September 27, 2021
Hi Everyone, NOTES: *  We have new people joining us.  This is just a disclaimer that I am no one special.  I just have a…
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How to Survive A Winter Power Outage and Stay Warm

September 25, 2021
Every winter, we see a freeze-out somewhere.  That’s when the power goes out, and the temperature outside stays below the freezing point for more than…
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The Coming Trucking Apocalypse - What's Causing It?

September 25, 2021
“While you’re sleeping, they’re hauling.  Have you thanked a trucker?” – Anonymous. Even though the Coronavirus has wreaked havoc in the lives of people worldwide,…
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Signs The Worst Winter in Years is Coming

September 24, 2021
“You think winter will never end, and then, when you don’t expect it, when you have almost forgotten it, warmth comes and a different light”…
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Marti's Corner - 36

September 22, 2021
Hi Everyone, NOTES: *  I made Chicken Roll-Ups last night with some Ragu Alfredo Sauce from 2013.  It was just fine and tasted delicious!  I’ll…
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