Hi Everyone,
*** This says it all… It’s a FaceBook Reels clip. If you don’t have FB, I’m not sure how to let you view it. It’s humorous.
Epic Gardening
*** I noticed that canned vegetables, which had been on sale for $.50 are now $.65. That’s a 30% jump. Sheesh. And eggs! I was in Arizona last weekend. They are only $4 a dozen there, so I bought 4 dozen! My daughter has chickens. Her comment was that they spent so much money to upgrade their chicken coop, it will be years before they recoup that money even WITH higher egg costs. LOL
*** We got the generator fixed. yay. We’ve decided to go out at least once a month and start it up. Now we just need to find out what we did wrong with the solar panels.
** I got a calendar, put a star on March 15 (our last frost date), then counted back a week and put a 1, another week 2, etc. until I got to today. Then I looked up the ideal planting time for everything I wanted to grow. I was surprised that the seed packets don’t always tell you. They’ll say something like “plant in early Spring.” Well, when is that??? Especially when I want to plant seeds indoors. Luckily I found what I wanted, then wrote ON the calendar what I would plant each week. Last Saturday was celery and parsley. Next Saturday is tomatoes! I’m so excited!
**I planted and sprouted another tray of lettuce. I’ve been taking it outside everyday so the sprouts don’t get long and leggy.
** Craig got my indoor lights all hooked up to the shelves. Ready for the baby plants!
** I had to order 6-cell planting trays. I can’t find any of the ones I used last year. They came today. Tomorrow tomatoes! I’m 2 days behind already.
LONG TERM STORAGE: powdered milk
** I have two types of powdered milk. Non-instant powdered milk is what you buy at Home Storage Centers. Instant powdered milk is what you buy at the store. At Winco, you can get it in the bulk section. I always have a plastic container of milk on my shelf. Just recently, during the power outage, our milk went sour, so we just mixed up the powdered milk for our tomato soup. Of course, if you are going to drink it, it really is better cold. But for cooking it works great! The instant milk dissolves with a spoon. The non-instant takes a whisk or blender. If you use instant milk, you generally need to add more milk powder for the same amount of water to get the same consistency.
SHORT TERM STORAGE: baking powder, baking soda
These two leavening agents have only a one-year (or so) shelf life. It’s better to just buy new every January. Check the labels on the baking soda and get the one that is “aluminum” free.
72-HOUR KITS: cash $10.
First, let me say, if we ever have to evacuate, we’ll be leaving behind most of our food and supplies. THAT breaks my heart! So, hopefully, this will not be the case.
However, I DO have kits in both cars just in case.
You should probably have $100-$200 in your kit in small bills. Start now, in January, with $10. Personally, I rarely carry cash, so my last trip to the store, I asked for $20 back. I put it right in the backpack. It’s a start.
This recipe comes from Survival Mom, by Lisa Bedford.
Macho Mexican Rice
3 TB olive oil – heat in a skillet
2 c. uncooked white rice
1/2 chopped onion – Add the rice and onion and stir until the rice is slightly browned. Be careful not to burn the rice.
3 c. water or chicken broth
2 TB tomato paste or 1-2 TB tomato powder
1/2 tsp salt or to taste
2 cloves garlic, pressed
Add the liquid, tomato paste, salt and garlic. Stir until the tomato paste is dissolved. Then add any or all of the following optional ingredients:
1/2 – 1 tsp cumin
1 tsp chili powder
1/2 c. corn, canned or freeze-dried
1/2 c. salsa or chopped canned tomatoes
diced green chilies
sliced black olives
chopped cilantro, fresh or dried
2 c. (1 pound) of any cooked, diced meat
Taco Pot Pie
This is one of my recipes last shared in Feb. 2017
1 pint canned ground beef
1 package taco seasoning
1/4 c. water
1 can kidney beans rinsed and drained
8 oz. chopped tomatoes
3/4 c. corn
3/4 c. peas
Combine. I’ve made this before. I’m pretty sure I used frozen peas and corn rather than open a can and only use part of it. Who does that??? I also have dehydrated peas and corn, that would work too. AND, I’m pretty sure I used a whole can of chopped tomatoes.
Place all in a casserole dish. I didn’t specify what size pan. Ugh.
1 1/2 c. cheddar cheese – spread on top.
Cornbread Topping:
1 15 oz. can cream corn
1/2 c. melted butter
2/3 c. sugar
3 TB baking powder
1 c. flour
1 c. cornmeal
1 small can chilies (optional)
1 c. grated cheese
Mix and pour over the cheese and taco mix. Bake 350 20-30 min until the cornbread is done. You CAN just use a Jiffy Mix of cornbread, but it will NOT be as sweet nor as moist.
Granola Bars
Here is an excellent way to use your oats when you get tired of oatmeal.
4 c. Rice Krispies
1 c. oats
1 1/2 c. nuts and seeds and dried fruit
( You can get all this at Winco in the bulk section. I think I used sunflower seeds, almonds, raisins, dried apples, flax seed and whatever else caught my eye)
In a saucepan.
1 c. brown sugar
1 c. honey
3/4 c. butter
Mix and cook for 1 min.
1 c. peanut butter
1 TB vanilla
Add to the honey mix.
Pour over the rice mix.
Add chocolate chips if desired.
Press in a buttered 13 X 9 pan
Cool for 1 hour.
I ended up cutting the pan into small squares, wrapping each one in plastic wrap, and giving a lot of them away because I was the only one eating them and they are very rich. So yummy!!!
Marti Shelley