Natural Disasters

Marti’s Corner – 131

Hi Everyone,



1.  I know what emergencies or disasters are most likely to occur in my community.

2.  I have a family disaster plan and have practiced it.

3.  I have an emergency preparedness kit.

4.  At least one member of my household is trained in first aid and CPR.

5.  I have at least 10 days of food and water storage.

6.  I have at least one handheld HAM Radio powered and programmed.  Long range walkie-talkies would work.

**Last week, I included a recipe for “Farmhouse Soup”.  It called for dehydrated cabbage.  I’ve made a few attempts at this but they have never turned out well.  THIS time, I shredded the cabbage and soaked it in some Fruit Fresh.  Then dehydrated overnight.  It turned out GREAT!  So cute, would make a cute gift with a ribbon.  You can bring them to my house and I’ll vacuum seal them for you!

The only thing missing is the dehydrated diced tomato.  But, I can just add a can of diced tomatoes, right?  Also, note:  there is no meat.  There IS beef bouillon, so add some type of beef?  If you want to add chicken, just change to chicken bouillon.


Still getting lettuce and it looks good.  But I noticed today that not only do I have white tiny aphids, now I have black tiny aphids as well.  Ugh.  Spray twice a week!!!

Still getting green peppers (they are small, but there are a lot of them).  Also, the celery is still producing.  But I did have to spray for aphids.  

I’m about 1/2 way winterizing the garden.  I pull out any dead stalks, turn the dirt over.  Add some compost.  Cover with any leaves, or cardboard, or anything of that nature, give it a good watering, and say good night until Spring!

My daughter in Utah said they got their first “hard” frost last night.  And, my daughter-in-law in Houston said their temps are dipping down into the 30’s tonight.

THIS WEEK’S PURCHASE: dry peas and lentils

Legumes include dry beans (pinto, red, black, navy, lima, soy, white), split peas, red, green or brown lentils, chickpeas (garbanzo beans), and black-eyed peas.  Legumes can combine with other grains or beans as a source of protein.  

    Lentils are high in fiber.  They are made up of more than 25% protein.  They are a great source of iron and are packed with B vitamins, magnesium, zinc, and potassium.

     One cup of split peas contain 33% of your daily recommended value of protein and 58% of your daily recommended value of dietary fiber.  They contain thiamin, iron, and potassium.

     Beans contain amino acids, or proteins that the body uses to heal and make new tissues:  bone, muscle, hair, skin, and blood.  In addition, they are a source of fiber, iron, and vitamins.

    The benefits of lentils and split peas is that they don’t require long periods of soaking.  

MISC. PURCHASE: vitamins

    Try to keep a 6-month of vitamins on hand.  Rotate them regularly.  Everytime you finish a bottle, buy a new one and date it.  If you take Vitamin C regularly, or iron, keep a supply of those as well.


Lentil Soup

This recipe makes a lot!  

Soak 1 lb. lentils 15 min. in boiling water.  Drain

In a large pot, saute:

3 large onions diced (I like onions but NOT this many!  I only used 1)

4 c. leeks – again, this was a lot for me.  I cut it back

1 TB chopped garlic

1 TB fresh thyme or 1/2 TB dry thyme

1 tsp cumin

1 TB salt

1 1/2 tsp pepper

     Saute vegetables until they are tender in a little olive oil.

4 carrots (cut in circles or diced) – I like carrots so I used all 4 carrots

3 stalks celery

     Add carrots and celery to onions and saute a while longer to infuse the flavor

2 quarts chicken stock

1/4 c. tomato paste

drained lentils

2 Kielbasa sausage, sliced  (I think sometimes I brown the sausage with the onions).  This is not a food storage item, obviously.  If you have canned ground beef, that will work.  Canned bacon will work (I can show you how to do that.)  Otherwise, omit the meat.

splash of red wine (optional)

    Add and simmer for 1 hour.

Sprinkle with a little Parmesan cheese before serving.

Lentil Barley Stew

I shared this one last year

1 medium carrot, sliced

1 medium onion, diced

1 medium parsnip peeled and sliced

3/4 c. lentils rinsed

1/2 c. barley

28 oz. vegetable broth

2 tsp dried parsley

1/4 tsp pepper

    Bring to a boil, reduce to simmer and cook 25 min. until done.

Easy Summer Split Pea Salad

from Street Smart Nutrition

Serves 4

2/3 c. green split peas

1 1/2 c. vegetable broth

    Simmer the peas in the broth.  Cook uncovered for 15 minutes or until all of the liquid has been absorbed.

1/8 tsp MSG> or salt to taste – sprinkle onto the cooked split peas and stir to combine.  Remove from heat and allow to cool as you prepare the other ingredients.  As the peas are simmering, prepare:

2 c. cherry tomatoes halved

1/2 c. red onion finely diced

2 cloves garlic, minced

1 lemon juiced and zested

     In a pint jar with a lid, add

2 TB olive oil

1 TB dijon mustard

lemon zest and juice


1-2 tsp honey

    Shake vigorously to combine.  To the peas add:

1 1/2 c. sweet corn, fresh, frozen, or canned

1/4 c. fresh basil chopped

1/2 c. fresh parsley chopped


red onion

    Drizzle with the dressing and mix.  Serve immediately or serve chilled.

Crispy Split Peas

2/3 c. yellow split peas soaked for 4 hours in water

Drain and pat dry using a paper towel

In a small dish mix together:

1/2 tsp salt

1/2 tsp cumin

1/4 tsp chili powder

1/4 tsp paprika

Over medium high heat, coat a large skillet with 1 TB oil.  Once the pan is hot, add the split peas along with the salt and seasonings and stir frequently until peas are golden in color and crunchy in texture (7-10 min).  Remove from the pan and serve.  Store in an airtight container.

Green split peas cannot be substituted for yellow in this recipe.  They will not yield the same result.  You can get yellow split peas at Winco in the bulk section.

Try other seasonings:  garlic, paprika, rosemary, thyme, curry, etc.

(I wonder how these would work in the air fryer???)


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10 months ago

It might be better to control aphids by encouraging ladybugs, collops beetles, soldier beetles, long-legged flies, lacewings, certain wasps, and hover flies. They all eat aphids. And given the cost of chemical sprays (whose availability, effectiveness and long-lasting effects on our soils, our beneficial critters and ourselves may be in question for the future), it seems simpler to go the natural route to keep aphids off your lettuce and other greens.

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